Developing Healthy Leaders.
Church Leadership Network focuses on developing healthy leaders who have the capacity to lead healthy churches. We recognize the current and coming crisis of leadership in the church, and we refuse to just watch it happen! Our strategy is built around leadership competencies rather than simply educational courses. The five areas of development are centered around emotional, spiritual, theological, social, and practical competencies. We prioritize learning and growing together in community with other leaders.
The Four Levels…
Leader Labs (Level 1)
Leader labs are an online learning platform designed for those wanting to grow in their leadership that may have time and/or budget limitations. Each leader lab is led and hosted by two leaders and/or pastors centered around competencies that are essential to leadership in any role. Each lab is followed up with a group Zoom call with the primary teacher from the lab where you can ask questions and discuss challenges. The cost for the Leader Labs is coming soon.
One Days (Level 2)
Leadership one days are designed for you to get away for a day and take a deep dive into one or two leadership competencies that you can go back and immediately apply to your current context. One days are held throughout the year at local churches, summit, and other regional events. There is a small fee for the leadership one-day to help cover materials, lunch, and the cost of the event.
Retreats (Level 3)
Retreats are for those seeking to get away and refresh for a few days while also growing in their leadership or strengthening their spiritual or relational life. Retreats include marriage retreats, spiritual renewal retreats, and emotionally healthy leader retreats. The cost for these retreats vary.
Cohorts/Internships (Level 4)
Cohorts and internships are designed for group learning over the course of months. The power of a cohort or internship is the relational learning along the way. Cohorts are built around systems and organizational development and range from 3 months to 12 months. Internships vary in local churches across the country.